Brief Review on AI: What is Artificial Intelligence
Table of contents:
>What is Artificial Intelligence?
>Categories of Artificial Intelligence.
>Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Society.

What is Artificial Intelligence?
In simple terms, any computer system developed to perform typical or simplified tasks using human intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence or AI. It is entirely composed by human beings to achieve finer goals by machines and tools. Artificial Intelligence helps in winding up most of the tasks in just a nick of time in the existing world.
Simplifying daily life and providing results nearly as close to the one provided by real humans. AI goes through a number of training such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing to achieve the level of human intelligence so it can give desired outcomes in fields like voice commands, transportation, healthcare, search engines, and many more.
Categories of Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence falls into 2 categories:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence or Weak AI.
2. Artificial General Intelligence or Strong AI.
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (Weak AI):
It can be stated that AI programmed to perform simple tasks such as playing games, map navigations, voice commands, and any single task is termed as Artificial Narrow Intelligence (Weak AI). It cannot replicate functions as compared to normal human intelligence, however, it performs a narrow range of tasks.
2. Artificial General Intelligence (Strong AI):
AI that can perform and provide data hypothetically similar to the one done by any human being falls into the term of Artificial General Intelligence (Strong AI). It can learn to behave and perform a wide range of tasks and can replicate most of the human functions in the fields of solving problems, theoretical reasoning, researching, etc. It can be designed to provide extraordinary results nearly as human intelligence.
Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Society:
From solving our minimal to complex tasks, AI is providing us with a wide range of services fulfilled in seconds. Making our day-to-day lives easy and reliable. Rapid growth in the use of software engines to simplify our basic tasks is having a great impact on our functioning society. As many may count the number of benefits, there is always a drawback in comparison to it.
With the availability of many engines, our practical life has become easier as compared to before. From schools to the mainstream media, anyone can have access to the most common knowledge ready by the tip of their fingers. The impact of AI in the job market places is none less than hitting a bounty. It has become uncomplicated to advertise anything due to the availability of numerous ideas at the reach of just a click.

The roles of AI in the job market have increased by taking away the simplest matters from human beings. AI has the potential to provide new jobs and employment in the industry, increasing productivity and building up new trends. Not only it has replaced our efforts it can also provide us with beneficial results in the job market.
If we turn to the other side of the picture, we may notice many disadvantages of AI. Many believe that due to its rapid growth and complete human reliance, it is taking away our capacity to comprehend normal tasks.
Not too long ago it will lead our main industries, replacing human beings, and a high number of jobs. Number of unemployment may rise due to this dangerous growth of Artificial Intelligence in the job market and employment trends.
Our privacy might be at some sort of risk and one day it will lead to the future filling in all the areas that can be useful to provide humans with any kind of employment whether it is a simplified task or a complicated one.

As far as it helps in saving time, on the other hand, many concerns about human replacements are taking place. Artificial Intelligence can be taken as both; a blessing and an adversity. Although it helps us wide range of projects, however, keeping all the aspects in mind we must not fully rely on Artificial Intelligence. To keep our society intact and a safe platform for humans to find jobs and employment we must keep main tasks for ourselves.